What Does a Perfect Golf Swing Look Like?

People who have the privilege of watching the pros at work may have an idea of what a perfect golf swing should look and feel like. The reason why some people sought after having that perfect swing is that the game they play has becoming more and more popular around the world. In addition, that game is called golf. Golf has been around for quite some time and it started out as a quiet little game that only a few people with much time on their hands.

It became one of the most popular mainstream sports in the 1980's people back then was debating on the perfect golf swing. Up to the rise to the top of Nick Faldo, he was the man described as having a mechanical like swing. In the 1990's people said that Faldo had the perfect swing. Before people started declaring Faldo as the undisputed king of the swing, people also mentioned Ben Hogan or Jack Nicklaus had the perfect from when hitting the ball.

Up to the present day, people who are avid fans of the sport still argue about the best swing and perfect swing in golf. Nowadays, the name Tiger Woods figure in debates all across the country. They say that because of the success Woods is enjoying in the sport, he must be swinging consistently every time. Arguably, Woods does have a regimen that helps him in his golf swing but it may be too cocky to say that Tiger Woods have developed the perfect swing.

The drive to achieve the perfect golf swing has broken and destroyed the golf games of amateurs and professionals alike. Some of them have become obsessed with the perfection of their swings that they have totally forgotten the other aspects and skill sets of the game. Some people have spent almost all of their free time watching videos, reading instructional guides and basically listening to any body that can give them tips on improving and perfecting their swings. In the 90's, because of the mainstream success of golf and the different golfers that were in the circuit, a lot of guides, instructional materials and special classes that strictly cater to golf and the perfection of the swing.

For years some golfers couldn't even break an egg because of the different tips and hints they have read, tried and incorporated to their game( most of the time the different tips and guides from the different materials that they have were contrasting in principle and execution. This resulted to inconsistent performance of players that eventually led to the decline of the sport) which caused frustration in many players. Because of the obsession of some of the golfers to perfect their golf swings most of them performed poorly in ranking games and tournaments. This caused a significant decline in the golfing public in the late 90's.

Then one machine and the vision of a man changed everything and turned the world of golf around. A company that makes golf clubs to test their shafts' strength invented a machine; it was specifically designed to recreate the swing of Byron Nelson. Nelson is said to have the best swing in the world of golf. The machine was aptly named Iron Byron, after Nelson, and it went on to test more than a thousand shafts.

Some people noticed the accuracy and the consistency of the Iron Byron and thought that if they could dissect the movement of the Iron Byron's perfect swing then they naturally have copied the perfect golf swing of Byron Nelson.

Golf Swing Power

Self-assurance on the course is a key element to reap success and pleasure in a game of golf. Practicing the essentials of golf over and over again will lead to an improved game. However, different golf players have different body types; hence, no two people will exhibit the same golf swing on the course.

Each person trying to be good at golf will have to find ways to adapt to their body kind, and develop a swing that works best for them. Read on to pick up a few helpful pointers, and make that perfect swing next time on the course.

It pays to warm up

As with any other sport, the saying “practice makes perfect” is an important part of improving one’s game. In fact, it’s the only way to earn self-assurance on the field, especially in a game of golf. Before heading towards your golf tournament, you should first spend a few moments on the practice area. This is where everything is developed in the first place.

This is the place where you get two hit two important things: warm up and slacken off your muscles and improve your ball-striking skills. It is best if you start with a wedge, slowly making your way down the entire set to the driver. This is a great way to get the feel of hitting the ball correctly, as well as minimize your risk for injury.

Giving the swing power

Unlike badminton where wrist flicks play a major role, golf, on the other hand, is not a wrist game. Many amateur golf players tend to hit the ball relying on the power of only the arms and wrists. Although this may work from time to time, this does not yield real stability and power. To achieve an effective swing, you should use the entire body – employ the muscles of the trunk and legs for maxed out power.

However without a good balance, no swing is effective enough. As with any structure that requires a solid foundation, your swing also needs to be provided with a firm support. Try practicing hitting some balls with your feet approximately six inches apart. This will enable you to keep up a great balance, as well as pace, and will be helpful when you return hitting at your usual stance.

Noting the knees

It is best if you put your body’s weight on the inside of your right foot and preserve a slight bend in the knee while on the backswing. As you swing the club backwards, make sure that the right knee is rock-solid – this helps you utilize the power coming from your trunk, and send the ball flying. Many amateurs too have this mistake of letting the left knee give way towards the right leg during the backswing.

This does not good a swinger any good except making the hips sway and make an overturn. In order to deal with this properly, on the backswing, you should stabilize both knees. Imagine there’s a basketball between your thighs, and that is how stabilized your knees are – enough to hold the ball up.

Perfecting your golf swing takes a lot of time and practice. With the few pointers mentioned above, you can work out your most confident swing, depending on your body type and, of course, on what work for you.