Perfect Golf Swing or Bad Golf Swing?

The perfect golf swing is the most important thing for a golfer of any handicap and experience. Greenhorns and veterans of the game strive to make their golf swings a little better than last weekend's 18 holes. There are a lot of instructional videos and booklets that are available to improve a golfer's swing but none of them will work if you fail to understand some of the basic concepts of what makes a golf swing bad.

The Set-up

The key element of a bad golf swing is sometimes not the golf swing itself but the most of the time it is the golfer's set-up. The set-up may pertain to different things like the golfer's clubs, his accessories, the clothes and etcetera. Some golfers think that a good set-up can make up for the lousy swing.

One of the most crucial mistakes that a golfer can make is underestimating the time spent on the set-up than the game. Some even think that they can have all the names in golf with them and just whack the ball silly. It may have worked for Happy Gilmore but it sure won't work for Average Joe and his lousy swing because Happy Gilmore is in a movie and Average Joe is not.

One of the most important things that you should remember is that the set-up should not pertain to the clothes you wear and the clubs you carry, but it should mean the preparation for your swing.

Bad Posture can kill your game

If you are one of those golfers that overlook their posture, you should think of considering a new sport because golf is not for you. It is important in golf that you know when your posture is bad. The key element of a good swing is the proper alignment of your neck and head. The straight line that is formed by your head and neck will dictate the force of the drive that you can deliver to the ball and flight. Once you are hunched over the ball it will move to either sides or fall short of the green no matter how hard you hit it.

Another important factor is balance. You should have good balance to deliver a good amount of forward thrust to your swing. And unbalanced footing usually hinders a golfer from delivering the full impact of the clubhead motion to the ball. This is because of the uneasiness that the golfer feels about his stance. Delivering a solid blow usually means your footing should be sure. Posture and balance problems can easily be corrected with practice and good habits. Once your muscle memory is comfortable with the position you want to achieve you will have no problem at all.

Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are good especially after a good game of golf. But when you bring your chicken wings to the game, things will definitely turn out for the worse. It is better that you leave your chicken wings in a basket at home where they can be the perfect in game munchies.

When we say a chicken wing this means a bad habit a golfer may be doing when taking a swing. When putting or in a putting game, letting your arm and wrist go limp is what you call a chicken wing. What happens after this is that the golfer's arm goes flying up in the air losing all the power to your swing.

Golfers who tend to take their swings lightly usually commit chicken wings. When you lose the power of your swing it usually ends up chopping or slicing your golf swing.

What Does a Perfect Golf Swing Look Like?

People who have the privilege of watching the pros at work may have an idea of what a perfect golf swing should look and feel like. The reason why some people sought after having that perfect swing is that the game they play has becoming more and more popular around the world. In addition, that game is called golf. Golf has been around for quite some time and it started out as a quiet little game that only a few people with much time on their hands.

It became one of the most popular mainstream sports in the 1980's people back then was debating on the perfect golf swing. Up to the rise to the top of Nick Faldo, he was the man described as having a mechanical like swing. In the 1990's people said that Faldo had the perfect swing. Before people started declaring Faldo as the undisputed king of the swing, people also mentioned Ben Hogan or Jack Nicklaus had the perfect from when hitting the ball.

Up to the present day, people who are avid fans of the sport still argue about the best swing and perfect swing in golf. Nowadays, the name Tiger Woods figure in debates all across the country. They say that because of the success Woods is enjoying in the sport, he must be swinging consistently every time. Arguably, Woods does have a regimen that helps him in his golf swing but it may be too cocky to say that Tiger Woods have developed the perfect swing.

The drive to achieve the perfect golf swing has broken and destroyed the golf games of amateurs and professionals alike. Some of them have become obsessed with the perfection of their swings that they have totally forgotten the other aspects and skill sets of the game. Some people have spent almost all of their free time watching videos, reading instructional guides and basically listening to any body that can give them tips on improving and perfecting their swings. In the 90's, because of the mainstream success of golf and the different golfers that were in the circuit, a lot of guides, instructional materials and special classes that strictly cater to golf and the perfection of the swing.

For years some golfers couldn't even break an egg because of the different tips and hints they have read, tried and incorporated to their game( most of the time the different tips and guides from the different materials that they have were contrasting in principle and execution. This resulted to inconsistent performance of players that eventually led to the decline of the sport) which caused frustration in many players. Because of the obsession of some of the golfers to perfect their golf swings most of them performed poorly in ranking games and tournaments. This caused a significant decline in the golfing public in the late 90's.

Then one machine and the vision of a man changed everything and turned the world of golf around. A company that makes golf clubs to test their shafts' strength invented a machine; it was specifically designed to recreate the swing of Byron Nelson. Nelson is said to have the best swing in the world of golf. The machine was aptly named Iron Byron, after Nelson, and it went on to test more than a thousand shafts.

Some people noticed the accuracy and the consistency of the Iron Byron and thought that if they could dissect the movement of the Iron Byron's perfect swing then they naturally have copied the perfect golf swing of Byron Nelson.

Golf Swing Like Tiger Woods

A lot of people have been asking for a long time, "why is Tiger (Woods) so good in his game? How can Tiger be consistent on every Tour? What does Tiger do differently with his game to make him the success that he is at golf?" and the list of questions go on and on. Some people theorize that it's all about his putting game, while some people say that it's the power of his drives, some people say he has got the strength of a bull and some opine that it is his golf swing.

These people may be right, but then again they may not. Depends on how you look at it and what kind of golfer you are that would dictate what you will say. But in reality most of us already know the answer but tend to say different things because we can't really admit to the fact that Tiger Woods has the best darn swing in the world today.

The reason why I say it's the best is because of his natural ability to use his dexterity, flexibility and strength in one fluid motion to create his tour winning golf swings. Knowing this let's break down the famous Tiger Woods swing in to 4 key elements of the full swing motion. These are 4 key elements of Tiger Woods’ swing:

1. At the very start of his swing. Woods uses his amazing flexibility to reach far back (notice that when he extends his swing backwards it reaches farther than most golfers on any tour, this is one of the main advantages of Woods ), extending his range of motion at the same time as keeping his rotary torso in a straight line over his right leg.

2. Once he releases the swing forward, Woods has already built up maximum clubhead velocity. This is achieved by rapidly turning his torso and pressing his right leg forward toward the swing. Throughout the full motion of the swing, Woods wastes little or no energy by keeping a straight line above the ball. Aside from the velocity and the force from his shoulders and arms, he uses his upper body strength in the swing as he pushes forward.

3. Woods drives the clubhead through the ball (maximum clubhead-ball contact is needed so the chance of slicing or chopping the ball is avoided), using the force from his hips, shoulders and wrists he concentrates impact force and makes a very high initial ball speed. Within 2 feet off the tee and the club the ball is now traveling at speeds that reaches around 180 miles per hour – this ball speed is up to 20 mph faster than the average tour pro.

4. One of the most over looked elements and factors in the golf swing is a good follow through. A follow through is the after impact motion that makes a full motion achieve fluidity. By this time, Woods allows the club head's momentum to lengthen his follow-through (this means that the force of the swing is kept at the maximum level from the start of the swing, any decrease in speed will make the follow through rough) far around his back, completing a long and smooth clubhead rotation.

And that is the secret to the championship winning golf swing of Tiger Woods.

The Perfect Golf Swing by Leslie King

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