Visit SiteWhat would your golf score be if you could hit golf balls like you hit dandelions? Pretty good? What would you say if we promised you that score? Unbelievable? Incredible as it may seem, this is exactly what we promise. If you are willing to keep an open mind for a new concept while you read this letter, we can point a way to help you improve your golf score immeasurably in a short time as well as your enjoyment of the game.

How many times have you heard the remark or, possibly, made it, “I can take a practice swing I know is just right, but put a golf ball down and I freeze.”
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Visit SiteSimple Golf Lessons - Now is the time to stop all those HOOKS and SLICES, get back to simple basics and routines and importantly , to understand " WHY" all those irregular shots occur.

Simple Golf Lessons The reasons for all irregular shots stem from inconsistent basics, too much wrist action and not having solid routines to follow. How many times have I heard these words after a bad shot," Oh look, that is where I was aiming", or" I played the ball too far back in my stance", or "I should have used a six iron, I knew I would not get there with a seven" or "I can't chip, I should have putted" or "I knew I should have laid up short" or "I was too far from the ball". Well I could carry on for ages reciting many more phrases like these and I know we have all been... Read more...

The Golf Nut’s Golf Program- Lower your golf scores

Visit Site"Georgia Golfer Stuns Golf Industry…With Proof That You Can Cut 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Immediately...Without Expensive Lessons or Long Hours On The Practice Range..."

I have known David for 15 years and his results are tremendous. Everything he does is simple and straightforward, but very effective. His program is designed for the average golfer and it just flat out works.
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Great Golf Swings and Ability to Putt

Golfers who are able to make those great golf swings developed their skills. They were not born with it so don’t think that copying what these people do will some day make you just like one of them.

This is because the more you try to imitate them, the more you make mistakes. The morale of the story then is to learn how to play your own game.

But how do you play the game without following what the best do? Well the answer is practice. If you are new to the sport, get professional help and learn the basics. If this is not enough, watch some instructional videos.

You have to put the time and effort into the game to get the results you want. Yes you have a job or a business but for golfers like Tiger Woods, that is their job so they can spend more time there compared to you.

Does this mean you quit your job and try your luck at professional golf? Of course not but given the limited practice time, you have to maximize each session.

You might see a lot of people practicing at the golf range. They would hit a buckets and buckets of balls but then what happens? Nothing because n an actual game, it all boils down to putting the ball into the hole. This means you should spend more time on your short game because this is where it really counts.

To do that, do various drills that will help you chip and pitch. Since the ball may sometimes land in the bunker, practice shots from there as well. A study shows that 50% of golfers will have to make their shots from 75 yards or less from the hole. So you should also practice putting shots at this distance and less.

Spend time practicing your wedge play because this can help you setup an east birdie. Hit as many balls from 40 to 135 yards. This club may be shorter than what you use for long distances but the principle is the same.

There are various golf techniques around to help you improve your short game. You can try hitting the ball with your club only using one hand, hitting the ball with your eyes closed and drawing a chalk line to make sure that when you hit the ball, it is moving in a straight line.

There are also a few tools you can use like golf gloves to ensure you are holding the club properly because how you hold it also affects where the ball is going to travel.

One thing that you need which you cannot buy from the store or learn from a professional is attitude. Confidence plays a significant factor because if you have doubts that the ball will not go in the hole, chances are, it won’t. Think positive and hope for the best because this is all you can do each time you make that putt.

To win in golf, the golf swing is just one of the things that will make the ball travel far enough to land close to the hole. In the end, it is your ability to putt it in that counts which is why you should spend more time on your short game than anything else.