Perfect Golf Swing or Bad Golf Swing?

The perfect golf swing is the most important thing for a golfer of any handicap and experience. Greenhorns and veterans of the game strive to make their golf swings a little better than last weekend's 18 holes. There are a lot of instructional videos and booklets that are available to improve a golfer's swing but none of them will work if you fail to understand some of the basic concepts of what makes a golf swing bad.

The Set-up

The key element of a bad golf swing is sometimes not the golf swing itself but the most of the time it is the golfer's set-up. The set-up may pertain to different things like the golfer's clubs, his accessories, the clothes and etcetera. Some golfers think that a good set-up can make up for the lousy swing.

One of the most crucial mistakes that a golfer can make is underestimating the time spent on the set-up than the game. Some even think that they can have all the names in golf with them and just whack the ball silly. It may have worked for Happy Gilmore but it sure won't work for Average Joe and his lousy swing because Happy Gilmore is in a movie and Average Joe is not.

One of the most important things that you should remember is that the set-up should not pertain to the clothes you wear and the clubs you carry, but it should mean the preparation for your swing.

Bad Posture can kill your game

If you are one of those golfers that overlook their posture, you should think of considering a new sport because golf is not for you. It is important in golf that you know when your posture is bad. The key element of a good swing is the proper alignment of your neck and head. The straight line that is formed by your head and neck will dictate the force of the drive that you can deliver to the ball and flight. Once you are hunched over the ball it will move to either sides or fall short of the green no matter how hard you hit it.

Another important factor is balance. You should have good balance to deliver a good amount of forward thrust to your swing. And unbalanced footing usually hinders a golfer from delivering the full impact of the clubhead motion to the ball. This is because of the uneasiness that the golfer feels about his stance. Delivering a solid blow usually means your footing should be sure. Posture and balance problems can easily be corrected with practice and good habits. Once your muscle memory is comfortable with the position you want to achieve you will have no problem at all.

Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are good especially after a good game of golf. But when you bring your chicken wings to the game, things will definitely turn out for the worse. It is better that you leave your chicken wings in a basket at home where they can be the perfect in game munchies.

When we say a chicken wing this means a bad habit a golfer may be doing when taking a swing. When putting or in a putting game, letting your arm and wrist go limp is what you call a chicken wing. What happens after this is that the golfer's arm goes flying up in the air losing all the power to your swing.

Golfers who tend to take their swings lightly usually commit chicken wings. When you lose the power of your swing it usually ends up chopping or slicing your golf swing.

Golf Swing Launch Monitor – What Is It?

In baseball, a speed gun similar to what police use to check on the speed of motorists is used to check the speed of a pitch. In golf, a device called a golf swing launch monitor is used to study the swing aspect in a game.

The golf swing launch monitor is designed to tell a golfer why the ball is flying in a certain direction after the golfer hits it with the club. With the information gathered, the golfer will know what is wrong so the appropriate changes can be made.

How it works is by compiling the data comprising of more than 100 swings made by the golfer. Professionals are not the only ones who use this data because even amateurs use this as well.

Now that these are produced by various companies, it is easy to find one when you go to a sporting goods store.

But what must the golf swing launch monitor have when you go out looking for one? It must be able to tell you the following information which includes ball speed, club head speed, face impact position, flight time, launch angle and yards off line.

But what does the information tell you exactly? Well, if your ball speed isn’t in proportion with your club head speed, this means that you are not hitting the ball as far as you want it to go. Ideally, there should be a 1:1.5 ratio between these two. In simple terms, a club head speed of 100 mph will let you make the ball travel at 150 mph.

If you think getting this number is easy, think again because most professionals are only able to hit a 1:1.4 ratio. If your numbers are way off, do your best to try and achieve this number.

Another thing to watch out for in the golf swing launch monitor is the launch angle. The lower it is the better because this will make the ball travel farther. Tiger Woods who is one of the best golfers of all time launches at 12 degrees. Should you do the same? Not necessarily but if this works for you, then why not.

There are other indicators that can tell you more about your golf swing but take note that these will cost a bit more. These devices can even tell you the average of your shots in various areas and compare them which will helpful to improve your game.

The golf swing launch monitor comes with its own software. This can be even be hooked up to your computer which is even better.

Of course to achieve the right angle and speed, it has a lot to do with your technique. There are other tools you can get to help you practice your golf swing like hiring a coach, practicing in front of a mirror, recording yourself and putting some of the aids on.

Will this make you play better? In most cases yes so you should consider using them if you are still not able to improve your game like you have hoped.

Years ago, there was no machine that could analyze your golf swings. We should be happy then with tools like the golf swing launch monitor because you are no longer guessing if you are doing well or not when everything can be seen in the numbers.

Good Golf Swing

All golfers want that perfect golf swing that they can always rely on. It is a swing that can be used effectively with either a wood or iron. You can tee off and drive with it, adapting to changes in wind and terrain. It is a swing that can get you out of bad situations like bunkers and even water. It is a swing that is as simple as it can get, yet can be versatile and dependable.

That isn’t happening though if your swing has slice.

Perfecting that golf swing definitely isn't easy, no matter how you look at it. It takes a lot of experimentation and practice to get the kinks out of the swing. However, the real fact about this is that it is actually simpler than you think. It is mostly about what you do during your swing.


One tip that always works is to always keep your swing simple. With as few movements as possible, you can take away unnecessary movements that may be both a waste of energy and bad for your swing. There is no real need for your elbows to bend during the swing and you have to only pivot with your feet as you follow through. There is no need to take an extra step or anything, which can skew with the shot.


Of course, if you can't improve by yourself, then get a coach who can teach you the finer points of improving your golf swing. Balance and correct positioning are crucial to a good golf swing. However, without rhythm, you can never achieve these two things. You are to ensure that you can have a smooth rhythm in your swing to fix whatever you need to fix. You can hum a tune, sing a song, count, or do whatever is necessary to get a rhythm down to swing correctly.

Hand and Wrist Position

Another tip is to always mind hand and wrist position. One of the major causes of slicing is that the club is twisted during the swing, which makes it hit the ball in a crooked manner, driving it in directions other than straight ahead. This is due to the hands and wrists twisting during the swing because of wrong positioning. The technique must be refined in order to correct this mistake.

Interlocking your hands by connecting the little and ring finger of your dominant hand with the index and middle finger of your complementary hand (never call that other hand 'weak') to solve this problem. This can help you prevent that unnecessary twist with a little practice. It can also help you improve in terms of accuracy and distance.

Straighten Your Spine

Always have your spine straight and acting as an axis for your swing. The importance of spine alignment can never be understated when it comes to golf. Imagine yourself as a pendulum with your spine as the point of axis. This can help you simplify your golf swing in a great deal.

Hip Rotation

With that spine straight and fingers interlocked, you must also remove excess hip rotation in your golf swing. While lots of hip rotation is something that can make a punch stronger, this is not boxing. In golf, that hip rotation causes slicing, and that can damage your game. Therefore, you must keep hip rotation as minimum as it is required. However, don't mistake this for removing hip rotation in your swing as it is still required to generate power in your swing.

Therefore, study how much hip rotation is needed to improve your swing. These tips, along with lots of practice, can help you remove that slice and achieve distance and accuracy in your golf swing.

What Does a Perfect Golf Swing Look Like?

People who have the privilege of watching the pros at work may have an idea of what a perfect golf swing should look and feel like. The reason why some people sought after having that perfect swing is that the game they play has becoming more and more popular around the world. In addition, that game is called golf. Golf has been around for quite some time and it started out as a quiet little game that only a few people with much time on their hands.

It became one of the most popular mainstream sports in the 1980's people back then was debating on the perfect golf swing. Up to the rise to the top of Nick Faldo, he was the man described as having a mechanical like swing. In the 1990's people said that Faldo had the perfect swing. Before people started declaring Faldo as the undisputed king of the swing, people also mentioned Ben Hogan or Jack Nicklaus had the perfect from when hitting the ball.

Up to the present day, people who are avid fans of the sport still argue about the best swing and perfect swing in golf. Nowadays, the name Tiger Woods figure in debates all across the country. They say that because of the success Woods is enjoying in the sport, he must be swinging consistently every time. Arguably, Woods does have a regimen that helps him in his golf swing but it may be too cocky to say that Tiger Woods have developed the perfect swing.

The drive to achieve the perfect golf swing has broken and destroyed the golf games of amateurs and professionals alike. Some of them have become obsessed with the perfection of their swings that they have totally forgotten the other aspects and skill sets of the game. Some people have spent almost all of their free time watching videos, reading instructional guides and basically listening to any body that can give them tips on improving and perfecting their swings. In the 90's, because of the mainstream success of golf and the different golfers that were in the circuit, a lot of guides, instructional materials and special classes that strictly cater to golf and the perfection of the swing.

For years some golfers couldn't even break an egg because of the different tips and hints they have read, tried and incorporated to their game( most of the time the different tips and guides from the different materials that they have were contrasting in principle and execution. This resulted to inconsistent performance of players that eventually led to the decline of the sport) which caused frustration in many players. Because of the obsession of some of the golfers to perfect their golf swings most of them performed poorly in ranking games and tournaments. This caused a significant decline in the golfing public in the late 90's.

Then one machine and the vision of a man changed everything and turned the world of golf around. A company that makes golf clubs to test their shafts' strength invented a machine; it was specifically designed to recreate the swing of Byron Nelson. Nelson is said to have the best swing in the world of golf. The machine was aptly named Iron Byron, after Nelson, and it went on to test more than a thousand shafts.

Some people noticed the accuracy and the consistency of the Iron Byron and thought that if they could dissect the movement of the Iron Byron's perfect swing then they naturally have copied the perfect golf swing of Byron Nelson.

For some, golf is one of those games that may shorten your lifespan. But for others, it is a grand game where patience and a good hip go a long way. While it may seem simple enough as all you need to do is to hit a metallic ball really hard to hurl it towards a hole at the other side, countless people have trounced in frustration because of it. Luckily, it doesn't have to always be so bad.

Keep it simple, keep practicing

The keyword in golf is consistency. If you can't hit the ball the same way each and every single time, then you will definitely have bad scores. Such problems like short distance, slicing, hooks, and many other golfing maladies are caused by lack of consistency. Therefore, you are to achieve consistency by improving your form. The only way for your body to do the same thing in the same way is to train it, and train it well. Practice.

Learning how to swing your club properly should be simple enough as long as you practice. A good way to think about it is to use your spine as an axis and keep your grip on the club properly. Such techniques are used by professional golfers all around the world. While differences can be quite subtle, there are many different types of golf swings. The similarity is that they all adhere to this principle. If you learn how to apply these principles to your swing, then you shall have no problem in driving longer distances without slicing and having 90% of strokes landing on the fairway.

Economy of movement

The best thing to do with your golf swing is to reduce unnecessary movements. Think of it as energy conservation, since all of your energy is supposed to be focused on hitting the ball and not wasted on awkward movements that cause slicing and other problems in the first place. Get back to the basics and incorporate only the movements needed to hit the ball dead center. This should lower your handicap by 7-12 strokes in no time. With more practice, you will hit par or better every single time. However, that is only if you do practice.

Get lessons

To learn more about the golf swing, the most obvious thing is to receive instruction in an actual golf class. These classes would have equipment and instructors that can help you achieve perfection as long as you have the determination, discipline, and money to do it. Enrolling in such classes does require a fee, so you do need to be earning quite a bit before you can actually think of getting into it. However, you can learn a lot if you do.

Read up

Others would try to find information over the internet. This is quite convenient, but the information gathered can be quite conflicting. As there are many different ways to hit a golf ball, experts are divided in what is the best way to improve your golf swing. Your job in this is to find out what is best for you. Every golfer has a different body, so not everyone can adhere to the same swing.

By being able to adjust to your configuration, you can improve without having to break a back or hip to do it.

Develop a Perfect Golf Swing

Developing the perfect golf swing takes time and tons of practice. It also pays to take note of how pro golfers execute their winning swings. By taking note of the following tips and taking time to work them out, you will surely be enjoying tournament successes in no time.

1. Ask any pro golfer, and he or she will tell you that the power it takes to get that ball flying does not come from the arms alone. Use your entire body to achieve maximum power. If you are used to fuelling the golf club with your arms, wrist and hands, then you might struggle at first trying to employ the rest of your body. Practice hitting the ball with using your torso and legs. Once you get the hang of swinging the club with your entire body, you will notice that you are sending that ball flying with more consistency and accuracy.

2. Swivel your shoulders perfectly each time you do a backswing. Your right forearm should be parallel to your spine and your left wrist is flat. To ensure you are doing it the right way, your elbows and arms should form a triangle. Make sure you got this effective position pat at the top of your swing – you are guaranteed a perfectly solid hit, and a more accurate one.

3. Many amateurs fail at making a solid hit because of two reasons. First, the right way of pivoting the wrist is done too late during the backswing because the takeaway is likely to be too low to the ground. Second, achieving a bad posture by swinging the club too far during the backswing, thinking this is the right way to gain power. However, taking note of a few things will help eradicate these flaws. Make sure a 45-degree angle exists between your left arm and the shaft of the club at setup. Your hands should remain as close to the ground as possible during the takeaway, while moving the head of the club upwards rapidly. Notice how your left arm is parallel to the ground and the shaft is perpendicular to it? This is about enough to prevent you from swinging your arms too far at the backswing; thus, putting off bad posture and reverse pivot.

4. Golf is an outdoor game, so it’s best of you are able to practice chipping outdoors. However, one is tempted to hit chips indoors from time to time. You can perfect your chipping with the help of a wooden rod or a busted club shaft. Get the hang of your chipping technique – just make sure that your left wrist remains solid as the club passes through the area of impact. The rod or shaft you are using will hit your left side should your left wrist give way during the impact. Practice is the key to mastering your chipping.

5. From time to time, even pro golfers get caught red handed losing flex in their back legs as they try for distance. Inconsistent swings constantly take the success out of any game of golf. It’s best if you can view your posture in a full-length mirror when you practice your swings from time to time. Start with the setup position, hold it then look at the mirror. Do the backswing, hold it and observe your posture. This will help you determine your postural flaws during your golf swing.

Golf Swing Like Tiger Woods

A lot of people have been asking for a long time, "why is Tiger (Woods) so good in his game? How can Tiger be consistent on every Tour? What does Tiger do differently with his game to make him the success that he is at golf?" and the list of questions go on and on. Some people theorize that it's all about his putting game, while some people say that it's the power of his drives, some people say he has got the strength of a bull and some opine that it is his golf swing.

These people may be right, but then again they may not. Depends on how you look at it and what kind of golfer you are that would dictate what you will say. But in reality most of us already know the answer but tend to say different things because we can't really admit to the fact that Tiger Woods has the best darn swing in the world today.

The reason why I say it's the best is because of his natural ability to use his dexterity, flexibility and strength in one fluid motion to create his tour winning golf swings. Knowing this let's break down the famous Tiger Woods swing in to 4 key elements of the full swing motion. These are 4 key elements of Tiger Woods’ swing:

1. At the very start of his swing. Woods uses his amazing flexibility to reach far back (notice that when he extends his swing backwards it reaches farther than most golfers on any tour, this is one of the main advantages of Woods ), extending his range of motion at the same time as keeping his rotary torso in a straight line over his right leg.

2. Once he releases the swing forward, Woods has already built up maximum clubhead velocity. This is achieved by rapidly turning his torso and pressing his right leg forward toward the swing. Throughout the full motion of the swing, Woods wastes little or no energy by keeping a straight line above the ball. Aside from the velocity and the force from his shoulders and arms, he uses his upper body strength in the swing as he pushes forward.

3. Woods drives the clubhead through the ball (maximum clubhead-ball contact is needed so the chance of slicing or chopping the ball is avoided), using the force from his hips, shoulders and wrists he concentrates impact force and makes a very high initial ball speed. Within 2 feet off the tee and the club the ball is now traveling at speeds that reaches around 180 miles per hour – this ball speed is up to 20 mph faster than the average tour pro.

4. One of the most over looked elements and factors in the golf swing is a good follow through. A follow through is the after impact motion that makes a full motion achieve fluidity. By this time, Woods allows the club head's momentum to lengthen his follow-through (this means that the force of the swing is kept at the maximum level from the start of the swing, any decrease in speed will make the follow through rough) far around his back, completing a long and smooth clubhead rotation.

And that is the secret to the championship winning golf swing of Tiger Woods.

Mechanics of a Basic Golf Swing

Golfers everywhere try to replicate the "perfect" golf swing to improve their game in leaps and bounds, making shots effortless and very professional. However, one thing to note that there is no such thing as the perfect golf swing as there is only a perfect golf swing for each player. As our bodies were made differently, so should our mentality in swinging a golf club. By adhering to basic principles and practicing everyday, anyone can achieve perfection and hit the ball onto the green every single time.

A lot of golfers suffer from not being able to hit either their drivers or irons right at all, causing slices and other problems with their swing. Some tend to have a “to blame” list: the weather, the slope, too much overtime affecting their game, or that they’re just warming up. One thing that golfers ignore is the fact that basic motions are always the best way to go.

Here are six basic principles that can help you get the mechanics of your golf swing properly.

1. Alignment is crucial in hitting your target square. The fundamental concept behind a proper golf swing is hitting the ball dead center, which means that alignment is the most important basic in a proper golf swing.

2. Make sure that you have a comfortable stance that will let you rotate your body in the most effortless way possible. Think of your spine as an axis and find your center of gravity by pushing your backside out. Once you achieve that comfortable stance, then you should have less problems.

3. Always keep your eyes at what you are trying to hit. This has got to be the most ignored rule as it seems so simple. However, this definitely is the most important rule to keep in mind as you have to see what you are supposed to hit in the first place the actually hit. This is all about common sense, so do it.

4. Be patient and keep your mind concentrated on your goal. Do this by thinking smoothly and having your feet planted firmly on the ground. This is not about what happens next or what you did in the past. This is about the present, and you should always concentrate on what is now to achieve anything significant in the future. This way, you can achieve proper rhythm in your golf swing.

5. A good way of thinking is "sweep" for woods and "pinch" for irons. This may sound strange, but it can help you with your game as these are how clubs are designed. An iron is supposed to pinch the ball off the ground, while a driver is supposed to sweep it off the tee.

6. Humming a rhythm can help you keep your mind away from the golf swing and more on hitting the ball. These two things sound similar, but there is a fundamental difference. Thinking about the golf swing is a complication as it is more about technical aspects of the game, while hitting the ball is just the basic concept that the game is about.

Keeping things simple is the way to go as it helps you concentrate on the details that truly matter without making you panic when you do commit a mistake. Fear and lack of self-esteem are the enemies of a golfer.

Golf Swing Drills

You don’t become a great player overnight. This is because it takes to learn to learn the ins and outs of a sport and in the game of golf you don’t just hit the ball as far as you can so it can reach the hole. This is achieved by first working on some golf swing drills.

But why are golf swing drills important? This is because from the moment you raise the club in the air until the moment it goes down, proper technique will ensure that the ball will travel and land close to the hole as possible.

In golf, you start the game by teeing the ball. If you are new to the game, you probably hit the ball or sliced through it. The end result is that the ball will not travel as far as you want.

So you can improve your golf swing, you must first check on your grip because this controls the club face. You should make sure that you are forming the letter “V” with your thumb and forefinger on each hand and that these are pointed towards the trailing side shoulder.

Don’t forget to relax because holding the club too tight with your hands will make it hard to get a good shot.

If you are practicing this drill, ask someone to watch if you are doing this correctly. If there is no one around, try to watch yourself in front of the mirror or record it using a video camera then play it back.

The important thing to watch out for when you practice this drill is your follow through. Some people start strong but then shift positions later on. The proper way of doing it is to make sure the toe of the club points up and the trailing side is released over your lead hand.

It is also possible that you are not maximizing your golf swing if you are not in the right position when you take the shot. To do this correctly, imagine that you and the ball are inside a small square. Better yet, put some masking tape on the floor and then practice swinging.

If this is not the problem for your shots, check on your divots. If the angle is to shallow, you should practice hitting the ball on a side hill below the feet. Should this angle be too deep, do the exact opposite. Hit the ball on a side hill above the feet.

Some golfers have a problem with their flat swing. If you are one of them, do some swings with your back 6 inches away from a wall. If you don’t butt or your back does not come into contact with the wall, then you are doing this correctly.

In golf, the winner is determined by whoever has the least number of strokes after completing 18 holes. The golf swing drills mentioned are very simple so you don’t have to buy anything to improve your game. You just have to make some adjustments to your form with the help of coach, a mirror or a camera. If you are able to make the necessary improvements, there is no doubt that you will perform much better in your next golf game.

3 Golf Swing Tips

Golf is a popular sport which is why a lot of the tournaments are shown on television. You may not yet play with the likes of Tiger Woods but to be one of the best in the game, it will be helpful to know three golf swing tips.

First, you need a good shoulder turn to be able to hit the ball properly and let it land close to the hole. This is easier said than done because people have the misconception that making the left heel go up too much off the ground will make that work.

In essence, it does make the hip turn which is good but it does not produce any recoil. So what is the lesson here? Simply not to turn too much because recoil can be created not by how back the golfer turns when taking that shot.

Second, you must never let your chin rest against the chest because this will make it difficult to swing the left arm across the upper during the back swing. The correct way to do is it to keep the chin up and allow the left arm to move freely across the chest. This will give you the wide arc that is needed to hit the ball in the in the right direction.

Third, learn to relax because you are not able to think straight when you are pressured. When this happens, you forget tips one and two which disrupts your natural rhythm of hitting the ball the right way.

That is probably hard to do when you are in to winning the game but this is what separates the boys from the men. To get your mind off what is happening, try to block everyone out and picture yourself in your “happy place.”

Remember the movie “Happy Gilmore?” That is exactly what Adam Sandler’s character did in the movie and that helped him win despite the odds.

You might not get all these three tips overnight but if you practice regularly, you will get the hang of things. You have to remember that professional golfers also make mistakes and that they don’t always win each time they are in a tournament.

That should give you a fighting chance because you are an underdog and you have nothing to lose when you participate in the competition. Of course, things change when you have done well throughout the tour and people expect you to do just as good as you did before.

When all else fails, try to remember golf swing tip number 3 because the difference between winning and losing is attitude and that is all in your head. Until you get it right, continue practicing at home, in the golfing range and out there on the green.

Technique and attitude is what the three golf swing tips are all about. How well you perform starts the minute you tee off which is why it is important to make it count so you won’t have a hard time later on when you are only a few yards left from the hole.

If you get lucky, you may even do a “Hole in One” which does not happen very often. That will of course make you move on to the next hole that could be more challenging than the previous one.

It is all about you when you are out there on the green and success can only be achieved by following these golf swing tips.

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